
When Should I Bring My Child In for Braces Evaluation?

Some children need braces to straighten their teeth and ensure proper alignment of their jaw and bite. Not all kids need this kind of treatment, but those who do usually benefit from early evaluation and braces installation. Knowing when to bring your child in for evaluation can help ensure that your child gets the treatment they need as soon as they need it. Your dentist in Cape Coral & Fort Myers, FL, can help.

When to Get a Braces Evaluation

For many kids, the best time to get a braces evaluation is when they’re about seven years old. This is the age recommended by the American Association of Orthodontists.

If your child is younger than seven but showing signs they could benefit from orthodontic treatments, the orthodontist may want to see your child even earlier than seven. Contact your child’s orthodontist at Richards & Associates Orthodontics to find out if this is necessary for your child.

Signs Your Child Needs Braces

Sometimes it’s easy to tell when a child may need braces. Here’s what to look for:

  • Your child’s jaw doesn’t properly align when biting down or closed
  • Your child frequently bites the inside of their mouth
  • Your child’s teeth are crowded and difficult to clean properly
  • Your child has a speech impediment

Why It’s Important to Get a Braces Evaluation Early

Most of the time, orthodontic problems only get worse. Getting early evaluation and treatment can help ensure that your child gets the treatment they need before their problem grows more severe.

To sign up for a pediatric braces evaluation in Cape Coral & Fort Myers, FL, contact the professionals at Richards & Associates Orthodontics.

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